I dreamed again. I found myself in the company of some old acquaintances, and it seems like we were in some sort of war with others that had separated themselves into another group while still feigning loyalty to our group. The group itself was loosely held together by common interests, and it was more like we knew each other by common activities than by emotional closeness. Tit came to tat in this wearisome little skirmish though, and toward the end of the dream, those of us who did recognize a need for unity did end up forming an emotional bond... prevailed. The last thing I remember before awakening to the intensely pleasurable vibrations racking my whole body was the scoundrels being handcuffed together and marched off to the calaboose. Yippee!
The interesting thing about this recurring dream is the architecture and the tropical climate with the coconut and palm trees and the lush vegetation. I've wondered often enough, if the place I dream of is a composite of all the tropical places I've spent a lot of time in. The architecture in these tropical places seems to interest me most, both while dreaming and in real life. Because of the year-round warm weather the buildings are constructed differently than in places where a cold winter occurs. There is an openness of design that has a great appeal to me. It's difficult to secure a building that is designed to attract air flow through it. The openness of the design itself suggests a trust between people that is unwarranted. The native people and the long-time residents do develop a sense of trust between each other, but so many people from other places see this as a place ripe for the pickings. Key West was a lot like that before the rich people from up North came to live there. They brought their need to protect their stuff with them. Most of the native people called Conchs didn't have enough stuff to worry about protecting it. Soon enow, the rich people instituted a need for more cops, organized government, and preservation societies that made it impossible to enjoy nature in it's finest, and those that were born and raised in that natural fine-ness had to go someplace else to live. The rich people wanted to "improve" it, and did, until it's no longer the place they were attracted to in the first place. They made it into the kind of place they come there to get away from.
Like many other ways I swore I would never adopt when I got older, living in the past is too easy to do. It's hard to keep the promises I made when I was younger, because my experience in life tells me not to do most of the stuff I did when I was young. It's like what I did then is not permitted now because I understand the consequences of taking certain actions. I would not have done most of the adventurous stuff I did earlier if I had known where taking those chances would have led me. And yet, those things I shouldn't have done exists as the content of my everyday world now. It's almost like I'm saying that my life is a mistake or at least, a series of mistakes, that if I hadn't made, would have been no life at all.
Friday, March 28, 2003
Funny thing, I created this blog and didn't know where to find the web page. Thanks to the advice of David Bigtree I found the button that took me here. I'm fairly impressed with the automatic settings. This oughta be fun. I keep wondering what I'll write here. I've thought about talking shxt about people that irritate me on the discussion lists I sub to, but since I created a .sig file to get people to come here and read my silly stuff, that may not be a politically expedient idea.
I have put off learning HTML for years now. After looking at a few people's blogs I may have to learn a little to be able to set up my template for this page a little differently. In a way this is irritating because I have come to a point in my life where I hate getting any more technically proficient than I am. It just leads to trouble. LOL
I have put off learning HTML for years now. After looking at a few people's blogs I may have to learn a little to be able to set up my template for this page a little differently. In a way this is irritating because I have come to a point in my life where I hate getting any more technically proficient than I am. It just leads to trouble. LOL
I created this blog to be able to write about whatever. I have spent a lot of time writing on several discussion groups that had a particular topic that the owners insisted that I stay close to, and I depended on feedback from other writers to instigate my responses on those discussion groups. Presently, I am just exploring to see what I will write so I can see what's on my mind at any given time.